Police Chief Inspector Duncan Otieng, who serves as the Officer Commanding Station (OSC) for Ruai Police Station, has been arrested by Kenya’s Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC).
Otieng is facing allegations of demanding a bribe from individuals he had detained on Friday, October 3, accusing them of being drunk and disorderly.
The arrest took place on the evening of Saturday, November 4, following an investigation into a complaint lodged by relatives of the detained individuals.
According to EACC CEO Twalib Mbarak, Otieng and his fellow officers had arbitrarily arrested several individuals at the Fun City club in Utawala without reasonable cause.
The detainees were taken to Ruai Police Station, where they were held overnight. On Saturday, Otieng allegedly demanded Ksh5,000 (approximately N26,000) from each detainee to secure their unconditional release....[CONTINUE READING HERE ▶▶]
Failure to pay the bribe would result in the detainees spending the entire weekend in police cells and facing criminal charges for being drunk and disorderly when they were eventually released on Monday.Duncan Otieng was processed at the Integrity Centre Police Station on the night of his arrest and is currently detained at Kilimani Police Station.
The arrest of Chief Inspector Otieng sheds light on a recurring issue in Kenya, where some OCSs (Officer Commanding Stations) are accused of locking up citizens without proper cause and then demanding bribes for their release.
In some cases, individuals are reportedly placed in police cells without any recorded offense in the Occurrence Book (OB), only to be coerced into paying bribes to regain their freedom.