Dauda Abdulfatai, known as Abdulfattah El-Okene, from Kogi State, embarked on a remarkable ironing marathon with the goal of breaking the Guinness World Record for the longest time spent ironing. His initial target was 200 hours, aiming to surpass the current record holder Gareth Sander, who ironed for 100 hours.
With approval from the Guinness World Records, Dauda commenced the ironing marathon last Wednesday at a location in Lokoja, Kogi State. Despite exceeding Sander’s record by ironing continuously for 142 hours, he fell short of his ambitious 200-hour target. Dauda made the decision to stop unexpectedly due to medical concerns and feedback from his support team....[CONTINUE READING HERE ▶▶]
Throughout the marathon, Dauda demonstrated incredible perseverance and dedication, ironing an impressive total of 2,249 garments. While he may not have achieved the initially planned 200 hours, his feat has undoubtedly left a mark as a testament to his endurance and commitment.
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