The disappearance of four teenage siblings in Umuahia, the capital of Abia State, has plunged their parents into a distressing ordeal of uncertainty. The unsettling incident revolves around a Keke rider who reportedly transported the youngsters to an undisclosed location, sparking concerns over their safety and whereabouts.
According to the police spokesperson, the parents raised the alarm after the Keke rider ferried their children away, leaving them clueless about the destination. The Ohuhu Police Station swiftly initiated search efforts, scouring the vicinity and nearby establishments, including hotels, in a bid to locate the missing siblings.
The father of the children, identified as Agah, originally from Amasiri in Ebonyi State but residing and conducting business in Abia State, is grappling with the anguish of his children’s inexplicable disappearance.
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