Actor John Okafor, famously known as Mr. Ibu, has been spotted in a heartwarming moment being spoon-fed by his wife at the hospital, just days after a video of his daughter, Jasmine, performing the same act circulated online.
The actor, known for his comedic roles, has been undergoing medical care.
This touching display of affection from his wife comes shortly after Jasmine’s viral video, where she was seen feeding her father at the hospital.
The gesture has garnered immense attention and empathy from fans and the public towards Mr. Ibu’s health....[CONTINUE READING HERE ▶▶]
Actor John Okafor’s wife captured spoon-feeding him at the hospital, days after ‘his daughter’, Jasmine, released a video of her doing same
— Instablog9ja (@instablog9ja) November 18, 2023
— Instablog9ja (@instablog9ja) November 18, 2023